Motion Graphic Effects

In this article the writer’s aim was to explain how different types of motion graphics will affect the audiences differently. Motion graphics are a very powerful device to communicate to the audience where they are both informative and entertaining at the same time by using visual explanation and narrative. Barnes also explores motion graphics through two different theories, naive realism and cognitive load theory.

Naive realism theory is psychology research on a visual display and how it focuses on the audience’s interaction with the visual media stimuli. This theory believes that the higher the amount of detail and information put into a motion graphic is then it will be considered to have a higher presentation quality and the writer referrers to this as fidelity. The cognitive load theory talks about the human memory that consists of sensory memory, working memory and long-term memory and how they are used to obtain new information and how it’s stored. The main memory that Barnes focuses on was the working memory and if it reached the capacity point it would then produce more CL (cognitive load) The two theories affect the audience differently, the naïve realism theory is about how the audience interacts with the motion graphics during the viewing experience and the cognitive load theory is how the audience engages with the information when they begin to interact with the Motion graphic.

The article also goes into Barnes research on how the two theorise have been recommended to reduce excessive detail in order to help the audience to have a better viewing experience. After looking at both forms I found that low fidelity expository graphics are the most capable of clearly communicating information whilst enabling viewers to have a greater understand of the topic in a more effective way.

  1. Naïve realism – describes people’s tendency to believe that they perceive the social world “as it is”—as objective reality—rather than as a subjective construction and interpretation of reality.
  2. Cognitive load – builds upon the widely accepted model of human information processing and It describes the process as having three main parts: sensory memory, working memory and long-term memory.
  3. Working memory – the part of short-term memory which is concerned with immediate conscious perceptual and linguistic processing.
  4. Expository graphic – is a photographs and illustrations to help explain something in and it’s usually easy to interpret.
  5. Motion graphic – Motion graphics is animation, but with text as a major component.

This video shows a low fidelity in the motion graphic where it’s 2D and there’s minimal information that the viewer can obtain.

This video shows a high fidelity in the motion graphic where it’s 3D and the graphic has a lot of detail and it has realistic feature.

The article that I found that relates to this article is Motion Graphics Ergonomics: Animated Semantic System, for Typographical Communication Efficiency. In the article the writer talks about how important all the elements of creating a motion graphic is and that it can influence the message being told. (Brandão, J. 2015.)

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The propose practice based solution that I will relate to this article and what I think will be a good research project is to compare how different genders will interact with the motion graphic and visual media stimuli. The main idea for this project is to present the viewer different motion graphics with low fidelity and high fidelity and see if your gender will have an effect on how you view and interact with it and the experience they will have. The research will also focus on how the viewer will retain the information being given to you. This research will provide motion graphics creators with the inside on how or if your gender will affect the way you retain information and to see if the creator will need to change to target the viewer differently.


Brandão, J. (2015). Motion Graphics Ergonomics: Animated Semantic System, for Typographical Communication Efficiency.