
This study has looked at different areas of cyberbullying and the effect that it has on young people. First of all we found out that cyberbullying is a problem that is occurring in a new territory and we as a society do not know how to deal with it appropriately that’s a major reason why it is an ever growing problem. We also found out that gender plays an important role because of the fact that female students are more likely to be cyberbullied than their male counterparts and that is down to how they deal with bullying in general, females choose to deal with bullying by using words rather that physically bully their victim. From the research where I have gathered a deeper understanding of cyberbullying it has made me aware of how many victim choose to suffer in silence because of the fact they are threatened by the bullies to not say anything and it’s having a damaging result on their mental health and we as a society need to learn how to look out for someone that is going through this issue and to be able to give them a safe space where they can talk and be assured that the problem is going to be dealt with. The victims need to be able to have confidence to go and speak to someone about their matter.

In one of our research elements we looked at the effect of gender differences in cyberbullying, the findings did not surprise me because at the end of this research I already had some idea that females were more likely to be the victims when it comes to being cyberbullied and that is down to the fact that females are less likely to be involved in physical bullying. In this research I additionally found out that most victims become cyberbullied due to the fact that they were already being traditionally bullied and this has carried over to their personal life outside of school through the use of a mobile device and social media platform. The idea of the bully being anonymous has given them more power over the victim because they can say or do whatever they want without the fear of anyone finding out. So it’s really important that the schools and parents work together to deal with this issue so it doesn’t turn into a bigger problem in the future.

I think this mini project was successful in making the audience aware of cyberbullying and how words have a massive effect on people and how it can hurt them mentally. I think what I could improve on this project by creating a bigger impact at the end of the video so it would give the viewer a greater message of how cyberbullying is harming to our young people in this generation. For future work I would like to look at the male aspect of the cyberbullying and how it affects them and would like to address the way that they deal with this issue and why they are less impacted by cyberbullying. This research can be used as a foundation in building a bigger project where the issue of cyberbullying doesn’t just occur in the schools but it’s happening everywhere, in the university, in work etc. The information obtained in this research can be used to provide a fuller picture of the cyberbullying issue and it can be used to examine the human nature on cyberbullying.